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I Collect is a participatory installation that asks visitors to respond to two questions: “what do you collect?” and “why do you collect it?” Folks write their answers on small tags and then hang them on the pegboard within the installation. The piece’s design is therefore dictated in part by the participants and evolves throughout the duration of an exhibit. It also allows viewers to read up on their community’s stories while they view the show.
I Collect is a participatory installation that asks visitors to respond to two questions: “what do you collect?” and “why do you collect it?” Folks write their answers on small tags and then hang them on the pegboard within the installation. The piece’s design is therefore dictated in part by the participants and evolves throughout the duration of an exhibit. It also allows viewers to read up on their community’s stories while they view the show.
At the start of the exhibit, only a few tags are hanging. Pablo Center at the Confluence, Eau Claire, WI.
At the end of an exhibit run, the pegboards are full. Watermark Art Center, Bemidji, MN.
I Collect visible through tags from Inventory
Close up details of some of the responses.
I Collect at Pablo