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Recordkeeping combines nine individual mixed media pieces, each with its own lighting unit that can be turned on and off using the center button console. Each single box includes a layered artwork clipped onto the outer surface, like an X-ray ready to be analyzed. With the light off, the top layer shows an anatomical element sewn onto a printed illustration, text or photograph. With the light on, an additional layer interacts with the image above it. A lung is sewn onto a medical text. When the light is turned on, directions for how to inflate an insect are revealed.
With Recordkeeping, I am considering how the aging body becomes more and more subject to medical and scientific study much like an insect pinned in a display case. As an active participant in the display, a viewer can reflect on the varied connections between the human and nonhuman subjects.
Recordkeeping's dimensions are approximately 20 feet by 7 feet but can vary depending on space. Individual pieces can also be shown with individual switch plates.
Recordkeeping combines nine individual mixed media pieces, each with its own lighting unit that can be turned on and off using the center button console. Each single box includes a layered artwork clipped onto the outer surface, like an X-ray ready to be analyzed. With the light off, the top layer shows an anatomical element sewn onto a printed illustration, text or photograph. With the light on, an additional layer interacts with the image above it. A lung is sewn onto a medical text. When the light is turned on, directions for how to inflate an insect are revealed.
With Recordkeeping, I am considering how the aging body becomes more and more subject to medical and scientific study much like an insect pinned in a display case. As an active participant in the display, a viewer can reflect on the varied connections between the human and nonhuman subjects.
Recordkeeping's dimensions are approximately 20 feet by 7 feet but can vary depending on space. Individual pieces can also be shown with individual switch plates.
Light off, light on detail of installation view at Tweed Museum of Art: Individual piece titled Procedure Followed in Inflation
Closer view of Procedure Followed in Inflation
Light off, light on detail of installation view at Tweed Museum of Art: Individual pieces titled Useful Glass Containers and Control Valves and Baffle Plates
installation view at Tweed Museum of Art, October 24 - November 5, 2018, Duluth, MN; most lights on
Installation view at Tweed Museum of Art, lights off
Detail of Chiefly Wood Boring
Detail of Extrusible Abdominal Hairpencils